Professional journey in business management, accounting, and taxation has formed a solid foundation for the career of Warsidi, SE, MSi, CA. With a solid educational background, teaching experience, and consulting in various industrial sectors, I have successfully contributed my knowledge and skills to the progress and success of individuals and companies.
Educational History
A Master's degree in Economics from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) provide a strong academic foundation for my professional journey. This education not only provides a deep understanding of accounting, but also broadens my horizons in business management and economics, preparing me well for the challenges in the world of work.
Professional Experience
As a lecturer in the accounting department at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed, I have been committed to providing quality education to the young generation who will become future leaders. Through lectures, seminars, and workshops, I share my knowledge and experience in accounting and business management, helping students to develop their full potential.
As a teacher and resource person for various tax trainings for Tax Brevet A, B, and C, I have made a real contribution in improving understanding and practical skills in taxation. With a solution-oriented approach, I strive to provide in-depth insights into tax regulations and effective tax management strategies to training participants.
As a tax consultant, I have worked with various companies and individuals in planning and managing their tax aspects. With expertise in business analysis and management, I help my clients optimize their tax structures, minimize risks, and maximize profits.
- Business management
- Accounting and financial reporting
- Taxation
My professional journey in business management, accounting, and taxation has been a testament to my commitment to education, quality consulting services, and positive contributions to society and the industry. I believe that with the combination of education, experience, and dedication, I can continue to make a significant impact on the development and progress of this field.